Articles by Lawyer
Myanmar Opened its Broadcasting and TV Market
The Broadcasting Law 2015 opens commercial licenses for TV or radio for bidding under an independent supervisory authority. This offers wide opportunities to investors from broadcasting infrastructures to broadcasting services.
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20-Year IP Roadmap for Thailand 4.0
On 26th January 2017, the Department of Intellectual Property (“DIP”) finally released the 20-Year IP Roadmap to reform the Thai intellectual property system to be in line with the strategy of driving the country to “Thailand 4.0”, which focuses on an economy ...
Amendments to the Copyright Law to Cope with the Digital Technology
Thailand passed two amendments to make the country's copyright law more relevant and more practical in the age of digital technology.
Thailand is no Cloudy for Cloud
This note highlights the law and investment promotion applicable to cloud computing services in Thailand.
Patent Assignment in Thailand
It is possible to assign a registered patent or a pending patent application in Thailand. This article gives a summary of the basis on which this can be done.
More Investment Promotion for SMEs in Special Economic Zones in Thailand
The Board of Investment Promotion has established additional incentives for SMEs investing in SEZs to encourage investments in the border areas of Thailand.
The Licensing Facilitation Act of Thailand
The Licensing Facilitation Act, effective from 21st July 2015, will enhance the transparency and accountability of the government procedures and boost Thailand’s competitiveness and the investor’s confidence ...
Fund marketing in Thailand under the ASEAN Collective Investment Scheme
Looking at the ASEAN Collective Investment Scheme, Kowit Somwaiya and Vincent Birot of LawPlus Ltd. state why they feel ASEAN offers investment funds terrific opportunities going forward, as well as noting what ASEAN has planned for the near ...
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Mori Hamada & Matsumoto and Chandler & Thong-ek announce integration of their Thai practices
One of the top Japanese firms, Mori Hamada & Matsumoto (MHM) has announced that they will be integrating their Thailand practice with Chandler & Thong-ek Law Offices Limited. ...
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