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Who’s Afraid of AI? - Tech Tales with Paul Haswell
Join Paul Haswell, a partner at K&L Gates in Hong Kong, as he explores the transformative impact of technology on the legal profession in his new column for IHC Magazine. Paul offers insights into the challenges and opportunities for ...
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Who’s Afraid of AI? - Tech Tales with Paul Haswell
Join Paul Haswell, a partner at K&L Gates in Hong Kong, as he explores the transformative impact of technology on the legal profession in his new column for IHC Magazine. Paul offers insights into the challenges and opportunities for ...
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Energy And Natural Resources Special Report
Asia’s economic growth has relied heavily on power generated from fossil fuels. But environmental concerns, political volatility in oil producing nations and finite resources mean the race is on to find alternative ways of meeting huge energy demand. In ...
New ultimate beneficial ownership disclosure requirements: An important step in combating financial crime in Indonesia
The requirement will strengthen and amplify the anti-corruption, anti-money laundering, anti-tax avoidance/evasion and anti-monopolism efforts.
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