Cohost/Sponsor Event Evaluation Form – In-House Congress Shanghai 2017 (Renaissance Shanghai Pudong Hotel, 26 October) Posted on November 1, 2017 Cohost/Sponsor Event Evaluation Form - In-House Congress Shanghai 2017 (Renaissance Shanghai Pudong Hotel, 26 October) As a cohost/sponsor at a recent In-House Community event your feedback is important to us. To help us continue to improve our In-House Community forums, please spend just 5 minutes to complete the form. Full Name*Company/Firm*Email Address*General Evaluation: How would you rate the overall event?*ExcellentGoodFairPoorEvaluation from a Business Development Perspective:*ExcellentGoodFairPoorDid the event meet your needs/expectations?YesNoPlease explain:Please suggest any topic areas your firm would be interested in presenting on in future:How did this event compare with previous In-House Community events?It was betterAbout the sameIt was worseHow does this event compare to other legal seminars and conferences you've participated in?BetterOf the same qualityWorseAre there any other jurisdictions in which your firm would like to participate in our In-House Community? Hong Kong Singapore Shanghai Beijing Bangkok Mumbai Delhi Manila Kuala Lumpur Seoul Jakarta Tokyo Dubai Abu Dhabi Ho Chi Minh City How likely are you to recommend an In-House Community event to a friend or colleague? (10 = extremely likely; 1 = not at all likely)*10987654321Any other comments (about the event organization, staff, delegate response or venue etc):Would you be happy for us to use the above comments by way of testimonial?YesNo