v17i1 Cover RGB 2Please find below the interactive edition of the November 2019 issue of Asian-mena Counsel, magazine for the In-House Community, featuring Cyber Crime and Data Protection Report. The report includes relevant content with the following articles:

  • Debunking tech and data myths.
  • Protecting personal data in cyberspace: enterprise’s obligations under the laws of Vietnam.
  • Growth of e-discovery across Asia.
  • The techlash is coming – Introduce artificial intelligence systems with great care — or suffer the consequences.

We introduce The Mindful Business Charter in the article titled, ‘Rules of Civility‘.

In this issue’s In-House Insight, we speak Michael Ting of Manulife about changing role of in-house counsel and the challenges of working in a highly regulated sector.

Robyn Kidd of Law in Order talks about steps to take after a Dawn Raid.

And as usual, you have access to the latest legal jobs, moves and deals, including our deal of the month, important legal updates from the Philippines, South Korea, Indonesia, Vietnam and Africa and an offshore legal update.

You can read, download and print the magazine as you wish. We hope you enjoy this issue.


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