Presentation by Alsuwaidi & Company at the UAE In-House Community eCongress 2021: An overview of AML legislation and Dispute Resolution in the UAE today
Co-hosts: Alsuwaidi & Company
- Mohammed Alsuwaidi
- Suneer Kumar
- Reda Hegazy
- Robert Sliwinski
- Vida Grace
The UAE In-House Community eCongress 2021 was attended by over 400/150 in-house counsel in UAE and the wider region. Mohammed Alsuwaidi, Suneer Kumar, Reda Hegazy, Robert Sliwinski and Vida Grace from Alsuwaidi & Company presented “What do you need to know? An overview of AML legislation and Dispute Resolution in the UAE today”. You can watch the video of the presentation above or by clicking here.
If you have any questions or would like to receive a copy of the presentation slides, please contact the presenters directly. Their contact information is below.
Mohammed R Alsuwaidi MANAGING PARTNER 04 321 1000 |
Suneer Kumar SENIOR ASSOCIATE 04 321 1000 |
Reda Hegazy SENIOR ASSOCIATE 04 321 1000 |
Robert Sliwinski OF COUNSEL 04 321 1000 |
Vida Grace Serrano ASSOCIATE 04 321 1000 |
Alsuwaidi & Company
252 Emarat Atrium Building, Sheikh Zayed Road, PO Box 7273, Dubai UAE