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Who’s Afraid of AI? - Tech Tales with Paul Haswell
Join Paul Haswell, a partner at K&L Gates in Hong Kong, as he explores the transformative impact of technology on the legal profession in his new column for IHC Magazine. Paul offers insights into the challenges and opportunities for ...
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Who’s Afraid of AI? - Tech Tales with Paul Haswell
Join Paul Haswell, a partner at K&L Gates in Hong Kong, as he explores the transformative impact of technology on the legal profession in his new column for IHC Magazine. Paul offers insights into the challenges and opportunities for ...
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In their article, Phoenix Legal’s Kripi Kathuria and Ankur Verma discuss why the pharmaceutical industry in India is attracting interest from investors worldwide, noting amongst other things “ever-increasing returns, lowering risk and anticipated multifold growth”.
Investments in Asia? – How to better use business intelligence
Making investments or entering into an M&A deal can involve uncertainties and potential pitfalls. These can include financial and commercial issues, clashing business cultures, sudden changes in government regulation, poor strategic fit or simply bad timing, to name a ...
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