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May 6, 2020
The global data explosion is creating new challenges for the legal industry that require balancing the use of emerging technologies and human resources.
May 5, 2020
Ideally, everyone should have a basic understanding of the company’s IT infrastructure, not least because as more companies digitise, the risk of cyber threats increases. A cyberattack can come from anywhere ...
May 5, 2020
On February 27, 2020, China Resources Microelectronics officially launched its initial public offering (IPO) on the SSE Star Market, becoming the first Cayman incorporated company to be listed in Mainland China ...
April 8, 2020
It is clear that change is coming to the enterprise-focused legal profession – the data explosion, security and privacy ...
April 6, 2020
After a long time in the drafting stage, the Government issued Decree No. 10/2020/ND-CP (Decree 10) on January 17, 2020, regulating automobile transport business and conditions for conducting automobile transport business ...
April 6, 2020
With more people being confined to their homes in different parts of the globe, hobbyists will be finding new uses for their drones ...
March 18, 2020
Which industries will benefit?
March 18, 2020
Contracts have been around for centuries. So, why is it that it remains a long, protracted, tedious and inefficient process?
March 10, 2020
With recent headlines highlighting the damage and embarrassment that can be caused by poorly redacted documents, it is no wonder many firms and corporates are turning to legal document management specialists to secure their redactions ...
March 10, 2020
Driven by an exceptional period of Chinese entrepreneurship in the last decade, high-tech manufacturing, IT and fintech are now key components of the Chinese economy ...
February 19, 2020
The service aims to improve disclosure, punctuality, simplicity and affordability.
February 19, 2020
Examining the combination of roles, skills, structures, processes, assets and technologies that allow an organisation to deliver on its strategy.
February 4, 2020
When digital evidence is required at the start of a matter, it’s easy to get swept up in the moment and start rushing to gather the evidence but this is a key time to step back, take a moment and reflect on the ultimate aim ...
December 2, 2019
Some of the key takeaways that enterprises should be aware of ...
December 2, 2019
The dawn raid has led to the forensic collection of 100,000 documents, now safely secured on a hard drive. What is the process from here? It’s important to plan your strategy in advance to minimise downtime, extract relevant documents and get ready for production ...