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November 19, 2020
DFDL’s William Greenlee sets out the data protection regulatory framework in Malaysia and its recent developments ...
November 19, 2020
Jingtian & Gongcheng partners Yuan Lizhi, Hu Ke and associate Wang Beining take us through the details of the regulatory framework ...
November 19, 2020
By Kwang-Wook Lee, Helen H. Hwang, Chulgun Lim and Keun Woo Lee of Yoon & Yang ...
November 19, 2020
This article by William Greenlee of DFDL sets out the data protection regulatory framework in Myanmar and its recent developments, and concludes with some reflections on the current significant shifts in global data protection standards ...
November 19, 2020
By Sungdo Choi and Ha Thi Tinh, Yoon & Yang
November 19, 2020
Before joining the AI legal solutions provider docQbot, Jiang Fengwen was a groundbreaking General Counsel ...
November 19, 2020
The pursuit of happiness has been an inalienable right, at least in the United States, since July 4, 1776 when it originated as an “unalienable” right in the Declaration of Independence ...
November 19, 2020
Often quoted in cases involving searches and seizures is the principle that “a man’s home is his castle” ...
November 11, 2020
China has strengthened its supervision on using VPN’s in recent years ...
November 11, 2020
The short answer is, sometimes ...
November 11, 2020
- the Sharjah Court of Appeal sets limits
November 4, 2020
Mediation and settlement prior to filing a suit ...
October 28, 2020
A brief discussion on how MNCs should respond to the OECD’s new measures relating to Automatic Exchange of Information and Transfer Pricing issues
October 27, 2020
Asian-mena Counsel sought wise counsel on the key issues in these risk-heavy areas from those with expertise at leading International law firm Baker McKenzie, and two thought-leading GC’s ...