Jurisdiction: United Arab Emirates
Experience / Expertise:
Intellectual Property
Litigation and Dispute Resolution
Applicable Fee Earners
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Qatar Fact Sheet – Copyright
“The purpose of copyright and related rights is twofold: to encourage a dynamic creative culture, while returning value to creators so that they can lead a dignified economic existence, and to provide widespread, affordable access to content for the public.” ...
Qatar Fact Sheet – trade marks
"Because so much money and time is often invested in a trade mark, it is worth paying something to protect it from misuse ..."
Assignment of Patent Rights
The potential value of patents, or patent applications, cannot be understated. Only the owner of a patent has the exclusive right to exploit its value to exclusion of all other parties ...
Patent filing strategies in the GCC
If you are interested in protecting your technology in the region, the question shouldn’t be where to patent your technology but how.